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Timor Leste
Traveling with kids

The hunt

Back in 2011 I wrote a story, impressed then by the impact of modern days…

The living dragon

When the group traveling thousands of kilometers just to see the dragon heard the ranger…

When sun goes down in Bali

It is about dusk and Matahari, the eye of the day, is hiding behind the…

Elephant in da house

Through the morning mist on the river, the boat coming from downstream made its approach.…

Snorkeling with kids

Just a bit before turning three years old, Vlad went real snorkeling and enjoyed real…

Bali, the movie

This is it, I glued together some videos I took in Bali. A bit of…

The batak and the music

Are bataks born with the gift of music or it is just a side effect…

Timor Lorosae – the movie

A quick edit and here are almost all videos we took around Timor Lorosae.  Nothing…

Local series – off season

Couple of weeks ago I watched “The Cove”, a documentary about a place in Japan…

No more headhunting

some pictures from the last leg of our trip… There was a human skull on…

Waiting for the sunrise

  Some images more, from Timor Leste. One thing I cannot clearly get when comes…

The land of dragons

Tens of pictures from Nusa Tenggara, literary the South East Island , the home of…



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