Filtering, the real shit

What are the chances to get a good cup of coffee ?  Firstly you need some good  coffee, roasted with style and then some other details can mess it or make it the perfect one.  Next comes the atmosphere and all environmental details.

Back to the kopi luwak, we were still asking ourselves if the one we’ve got in Banda was the real shit or not.  The single way to have 100% the real one is maybe catching your own luwak and feed it with coffee beans, then waiting for the outcome.

Having no chance to catch one yet, we went to some professionals in Surabaya to get the luwak stuff.

The result was somehow different then the one we’ve got in Banda. However I ‘m still asking myself if the difference could come from the filter they use, or is just a bad luwak we’ve got.  I still watch the movie bellow and try to decide…

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